Idea behind this project is, that there are many ideas for really simple mods, that don't even deserve a proper review, because they're too simple. So me (chylex) and setosorcerer have started this project, we take ideas for simple mods from community, I program the mods and setosorcerer reviews them.

There used to be episodes on Machinima Realm, but now they're only on setosorcerer's channel, one mod per week.

New Recipe Repository - customize recipe minimods to download!

To make updating and downloading the recipe minimods much easier, I made a Recipe Repository, where you can select minecraft version, game type (ssp/smp), select the recipes you want to install and download a customized file with all the recipes!

All of the recipe minimods are converted into the new system, and to access the repository, click download in the recipe mod page, or use the link below! :)

Don't forget to give us ideas for new recipe minimods, they're much easier to make and I'm sure most of you have some cool ideas :).

Go to the repository

List of minimods + compilation pack!

You can see the list of all minimods categorized by what they change, and download the latest compilation pack with all minimods on the Minimod list page!

You will be able to watch episode 48 inside the article after it's out!

Undo book mod

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Published on Jul 28 2013, 18:30

You will be able to watch episode 47 inside the article after it's out!

Download the recipes in Recipe Repository

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Published on Jul 21 2013, 00:02

You will be able to watch episode 46 inside the article after it's out!

Earth breaker

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Published on Jun 20 2013, 10:15

You will be able to watch episode 45 inside the article after it's out!

Forbidden menu

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Published on Jun 09 2013, 00:26

You will be able to watch episode 44 inside the article after it's out!

Throwable buckets

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Published on May 28 2013, 18:38

You will be able to watch episode 43 inside the article after it's out!

Wool puncher

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Published on May 28 2013, 18:39

You will be able to watch episode 42 inside the article after it's out!

Porkchop reborn mod

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Published on May 18 2013, 17:10

You will be able to watch episode 41 inside the article after it's out!

Slime fusion

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Published on May 08 2013, 18:58

You will be able to watch episode 40 inside the article after it's out!

Freeze enchantment

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Published on Apr 28 2013, 11:25

You will be able to watch episode 39 inside the article after it's out!

Molten glass

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Published on Apr 27 2013, 20:28
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